You depend on your home’s plumbing to deliver clean, clear water to take care of many of your day-to-day essentials. Another important aspect of this delivery is the pressure at which the water is delivered to the water fixture. Especially when it comes to showers and outdoor spigots, adequate water pressure is crucial to properly complete the task at hand. When you experience low water pressure in Leominster, MA, it can quickly bring your daily routine to a screeching halt. Here, then, are a few common causes behind low water pressure and what you can do to try and fix them.
In some cases, low water pressure in Leominster, MA, can be a symptom of another problem: a leaking pipe. If one of your home’s water supply lines leaks, it may struggle to deliver enough water to the faucet to provide decent pressure. If you experience low water pressure, it’s a good idea to check the cabinets underneath your sinks for puddles of water that could indicate a leak.
Closed Valve
In most homes, several different plumbing valves control the flow of water into the home and to individual water fixtures. If any of these valves are inadvertently left partially closed, you could experience a drop in water pressure. If you experience low water pressure from a certain fixture, test the other fixtures in the vicinity to see if they also have low water pressure. Depending on the results of this test, you will know how far back in the line to check the valves.
Corroded Pipes
Even if your pipes aren’t leaking, they can still be the cause behind low water pressure. Older steel pipes can tend to corrode on the inside, over time. If left long enough, this corrosion can greatly reduce the volume of water that can pass through, meaning you will experience lower water pressure on your end. If you can eliminate other causes of your low water pressure, it’s a good idea to have a plumber check your pipes for corrosion.